Limbert Ebon Oak Inlaid Arm Chair Accurate Replica

Accurate replica of Limbert's uncommon Ebon Oak line arm chair. Excellent quarter-sawn white oak, true mortise and tenon construction, real Ebony inlay, high grade black leather. This form is also available as a rocker, also an accurate replica of a rocker we now own and have listed in our antique section under "rockers".

Product ID: #322
Price:$Price upon request.

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Detail of the dramatic design elements of the tapered arm which curves out in the center as it arches upward, the unusual wide single slat under the arm and the unique long corble attached to the slat under the arm.  True Ebony inlay in the front leg and back of chair. Please note the double pinned joinery where the top crest rail of the back is mortised into the top of the back leg and the large pinned through tenon extends above the top of the arm.

Detail of the dramatic design elements of the tapered arm which curves out in the center as it arches upward, the unusual wide single slat under the arm and the unique long corble attached to the slat under the arm. True Ebony inlay in the front leg and back of chair. Please note the double pinned joinery where the top crest rail of the back is mortised into the top of the back leg and the large pinned through tenon extends above the top of the arm.

Front view.

Front view.

Close up of arm.

Close up of arm.

Detail Ebony Inlay in the front leg and the double pinned mortise and tenon joinery.

Detail Ebony Inlay in the front leg and the double pinned mortise and tenon joinery.

Side view.

Side view.

Diagonal view.

Diagonal view.

View of back.

View of back.